A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2275

Chapter 2275


Mark looked at him, not with blame but with deep contemplation. He then said calmly, “Edwin, I used to be uncompromising just like you.

But as I’ve aged, I’ve learned that sometimes it’s also important to let go. In Vanessa’s case, you weren’t wrong, but you sure bear some responsibility. If you had recognized your feelings for Laura sooner, this situation with Vanessa wouldn’t have occurred. You need to offer some form of reparation to the Smiths.”

Mark expected his son to resist, but Edwin agreed immediately.

“I’ve been thinking the same.”

Edwin planned to return to Duefron to resolve the issue with the Smith family in person, understanding that in business, benefits often dictate outcomes.

He intended to offer them a deal to settle the matter.

Mark and Edwin then discussed potential offers, aiming for the right balance.

The following day, Edwin flew to Duefron, where Vanessa also arrived.

During a meeting with the Smiths, the matter was resolved when Edwin offered a new energy project.

This project, with an estimated net profit of ten billion, satisfied all parties.


Vanessa’s father was pleased, and the next day, the engagement was publicly annulled. Edwin returned to Czanch that night.

The Evans and Garcia families shared a close bond.

Over the years, while Lina and her children often stayed abroad, Peter regularly joined the Evans family at Evans Gardon for meals, continuing the tradition this year.

This year, Peter arrived with his wife and son’s family.

As they were greeted by Cecilia, she looked them over and inquired, “Why didn’t Laura come along?”

Peter appeared somewhat uncomfortable.

Cecilia commented, “It’s not right to leave her out.”

At that moment, Edwin’s car pulled in. As he stepped out, he overheard his mother say, “Edwin, you’re back just in time. Laura’s not here. Could you go and bring her for dinner?”

Edwin’s expression was unreadable, a subtle tension surrounding the crowd.

Then, he offered a slight smile.

“Alright, I’ll go get her. Please make our guests feel at home.”

The Garcias were speechless.

Cecilia led them inside. In the living room, Mark was distributing presents to the younger family members, reserving the largest and most impressive one for Laura.

Cecilia’s face lit up with a smile.

